casement window operator on an entrance door

A quick learner from phila. pa says:
I have to reproduce a 1 3/4" thick door that has an operating casement window in top section of the door.I am trying to find an operator for the casement window and I believe you may be able to help me. I have pictures of the old door and drawings of the replacement door I want to make. I have already told the person I can make this but cant seem to find the proper hardware. PLEASE HELP! the problem is the door is 1 3/4" thick and the sash is 1" thick because we also have to put a screen on the inside of the sash. The crank has to be narrow in depth also as not to protrude to far past the face of the door on the inside of the house. Like I said I have pictures and drawings that I can send you. THANK YOU Bill
Profile picture of Paul
Paul from SWISCO responded:
Thanks for posting, Bill. Could I see a few pictures of the window itself? That will help give us a better idea of what it is we're working with. Thank you!
A quick learner from Phila, PA says:
Enclosed is a drawing of a door we have to make with an operable casement sash opening with a crank. I was speaking to a gentlemen who asked me to forward this drawing and he will try to help me out. The sash only has to open 3" or so to vent steam from a bathroom. However, the handle can not be what is drawn. It has to be a handle similar to 39-108 white. I also enclosed picture of original door. Thank you. Bill Kane
User submitted photos of door hardware.
Profile picture of Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO responded:
This is tricky. On a regular wood casement window, I would use the 39-020 operator with the 39-520 track. You could use a simple casement lock like our 90-152, but if you're also installing a screen it would have to be removed when you unlock the window. Same for the 39-077.
Anatomy of a casement window
Anatomy of a casement window
How to install a wood casement window crank
How to install a wood casement window crank
How to identify casement and awning operators
How to identify casement and awning operators
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