I removed the old balances which were broken, any hardware to anchor the spiral to the bottom of the window sash is not there, never was. It appears that it is up in the channel out of sight. Anyway I replaced both,(from SWISCO), wound with the special tool, allowed the spiral to retract out of sight and removed the tool. the spiral did not come back down so I assume it was anchored. However the window does not stay up so I think I did not wind them up enough, so it appears that I have to remove the top anchor screw to allow them to be assecible again an then start all over. does that sound correct? should I be concerned that whatever the anchor holds to up in the channel at the bottom is not visible? thanxz, Robert
17inch red spiral balances

Landlord from Texas
Mar 7, 2022 6:04 pm
2 Replies

Bob from SWISCO
Mar 8, 2022 3:38 pm

Hi Robert. Yes, the issue is the spiral rods have to be connected to the sash by some bracket or shoe. If they aren't, then all that tension in the spiral balance is for naught, since it's not tethered to the sash in any way; hence why it won't open or stay opened. Is there any window in the house that has the brackets intact? If not, can you send us pictures of the bottom corners of the sashes? It's possible it's a type of older bracket embedded in the sash. We'll see what we can suss out.
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