18 HD

Home Owner from New Hampshire
Nov 10, 2016 9:17 am

We have a window (manufacturer unknown). The only thing visible is that it says 18HD on the balances. I need replacement balances because the window will not stay open unless it is propped up by something. Would like to replace jamb liners too. There are no identifying marks anywhere on this window. Not on the glass, nor on the top of the frame, nor on the spacer. The only thing etched on the glass is LOW-E 100. This window was installed approximately 1989. Thank you for your help.
User submitted photos of window hardware.
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Nov 11, 2016 2:00 pm
Take a look at our S751-19, I think this may be a good match for you.
Home Owner from New Hampshire
Dec 14, 2016 8:12 am

I submitted another inquiry over the weekend with some photos, and just
wanted to make sure you received it. I had submitted an inquiry back in
October and it was suggested that I order replacement balance 751-19.
That part didn't work because there is a type of pin on the sash (photo
attached). Can you please let me know if you received my email, and if
you have any other ideas/suggestions as to what type of part or balance
I need. I tried submitting online, but kept getting error messages on my

Thank you,
New Hampshire
User submitted photos of window hardware.
Home Owner from New Hampshire
Dec 14, 2016 8:21 am
As suggested I ordered the S751-19, but we can't attach it to the sash because the sash has some type of pin/peg attached to it (see photo). Is there some other type of balance that has a space for the pin to fit into? Or do I need some type of adapter?
Thank you!
User submitted photos of window hardware.
Paul from SWISCO
Dec 20, 2016 9:45 am
Your metal cam looks fine. I don't see how that would interfere with the replacement of your balance. See our video below, this may help you install it.
Home Owner from New Hampshire
Dec 20, 2016 10:02 am
Okay, but the video doesn't show how to reinstall the sash. When you reinstall the sash, where does the cam fit in to?
Paul from SWISCO
Dec 22, 2016 10:37 am
You would reinstall the sash by having the metal cams pressing down on the metal forks of the balance shoe. You would then swing the sash up and lock it in the track.
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