24 inch 390 channel balance

Quick Learner from Milton Fl
Jul 2, 2013 9:38 am
I am stumped as to which stamp option to order all I see on my old balance is 23 C I assume this is the strength of the spring. If I were to choose I would choose stamp option 2330 but I don't know...Please help as I would like to order today...Thanx Joe

6 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Jul 2, 2013 3:22 pm

Hey, Joe. Usually a stamp of 23 C corresponds to our 2330, yes. However, you should weigh your window sash and compare it to the weight rating chart under the S390-24 just to make sure it's correct, as there is no guarantee.

Quick Learner from Milton Fl
Jul 2, 2013 8:09 pm
Thanx Tom...are you referring to actually removing the sash to weigh it? I guess that is the only feasible way to do it. Say for instance the sash weighs 30 pounds I suppose you would then divide by 2 as each channel balance would then support 1/2 the load. Is that how it works?

Tom from SWISCO
Jul 3, 2013 9:15 am

Yes, you would need to remove the sash and physically weigh it. You would not divide the weight by half, though. Not for this type of balance, at any rate. The option chart under the S390-24 is based around two balances per sash working together as one unit to carry each respective weight.

Quick Learner from Milton Fl
Jul 3, 2013 10:46 am
Thanx for all your help Tom. I have decided that the 19002 top and the 15001 shoe are the correct choices for me judging by the photos I have sent you do they look to be the proper choices in your opinion?
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