I really don't know it that would work or not. The balance would be 1/2" shorter and the internal spiral would be 1/2" longer that the original ones. I'm afraid I am going to ask you the same question.
Sorry, but this is the only option I can come up with. I've researched several other ideas and this seems to be it.
Unfortunately, I can't be certain whether this will work with your application. I wish I had something more helpful to give you at this time.
You suggested I consider a 28" x 3/8" spiral tilt balance with a 29-7/8" internal spiral, green tip?
How does this differ from the standard 28" balance?
The 28" Series 900 has a spiral that is 28 1/2".
Would you see any problem if I simply lowered the balance (move the attching screw down) about one inch and used the standard 28" balance?
I don't see any problem with that at all. That is a very good suggestion.
Thanks for your help Paul, I will give it a try.