To Whom It May Concern,
Purchased and installed the SWISCO 40-049 about a week ago.
Part fit my old Larson door without issue, other than having to drill some new holes.
It's been in my door about a week now and I noticed more and more that the handle has been sticking; the latch bolt is getting stuck inside the lock body and I have to jiggle the handle to free it. Would it be possible to get a replacement lock body instead of replacing the entire set, as I already threw away the packaging?
- Kenneth
40-049 handle has been sticking
Home Owner from Oakton Virginia
Aug 26, 2016 7:42 am
2 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Aug 29, 2016 9:47 am
Hey, Kenneth. I'm not sure what the problem could be. These locks are usually no trouble. Check to see if you need to file out the hole in the door for the lever handles; it's possible that the hole in the door is a little off-centered, which would cause the handles to get caught. A round rat tail file should do the job.
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