A2850 & A2240 channel balances

Handy Person from Vero Beach, FL
I need to replace my half inch channel balances in several older, aluminum windows. I have attached pics. Taking cues from an earlier post, the foot does seem to be 1&1/16 inches. The top appears to be a 19-002 and the foot appears to be a 15-003. I need the complete assemblies for 29 inch channels for 4 windows and 23 inch channels for 2 windows. The current channels are marked j A2850 for the 29" and j A2240 for the 23" channel. Can you tell which replacement parts will work? Thanks
User submitted photos of a window balance.
5 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Actually, based on the style of that shoe, I think you have out 15-001. It was probably just worn down a bit from use. Take a look at our S390-29 with a 2850 option and our S390-23 with a 2240 option. Do these look about right?
Handy Person from Vero Beach
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the help. Can you take a look at this pic of the shoe, this angle is why I thought it was a 15-003, but it definitely is not 1&3/16 long. Also, can you tell what sash guide I need. Again, thanks for your help, this is a great service you offer.
User submitted photos of a window balance.
Paul from SWISCO
I still think the shoe is closer to our 15-001. I say this because the "swoop" on your shoe is way longer than the 15-003. The 15-003 is very distinctive and different from our other balance shoes.

As for the top sash guide, it's hard to tell based on this picture. Could we see it removed? Otherwise, you may want to look at out 18-110 and see if that matches.
Handy Person
Hi Paul, you were right, the top sash guide was an 18-110, thanks for you help.
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