Alcoa Window Parts

Good Morning,
From your pictures it looks like you will need the Series 600 Spiral Balance. To make sure that the S600 is correct you need to measure the diameter of the white plastic tube. The diameter should be 9/16" (if it is not, let me know).
To choose the correct balance length you will need to measure the length of just the white plastic tube, up to and not including the bearing from which the inner spiral protrudes.
You will also need to know which balance tip color to choose. The color of the tip represents the strength of the balance. I cannot see the color of the tip in your pictures. The tip may be hidden in the white plastic covering (it usually sits right a the top). See this related discussion - the user took apart their plastic Alcoa balance and took a picture of the colored tip (the plastic blue part). If there is no color, or you are uncertain, provide us with the exact weight of the window sash that these spiral balances support instead. That exact weight can be used to determine the proper color to go with.
Let me know if have any trouble with any of this.

Also, do these come with white casings like the originals?

You will want to pick up a 75-006 Spiral Balance Charging Tool if you don't have one already.
As for the white plastic tubes, they are no longer manufactured. Spiral balances are now manufactured and distributed with a more durable metal casing. Let us know if you have any additional questions.