Alenco...can of worms

Handy Person from Conroe Tx.
I've been called in after 2 others "worked" on this window. Alenco non-tilt alum slider 45 1/2 W X 29 3/8 H thermal pane w mullion enclosed.

The owner said the channel balancers were replaced (so I don't know if they are correct. They are 1/2 " marked 2690 @ 29) Both top sash guides are missing. He noted to me that after the first guy installed the ballancers the window worked but was "sloppy" in it's frame. The Right channel balance top is broken so it will not catch on the take out clip. Once the left side catches on the takeout clip I am unable to remove the window either due to what appears to be a bowed frame as well as the right broken balancer catching on something (is not possible?).

What is my next move? Could you identify what I need from my description? Would pulling a near-by much smaller window and identifying it's balancer help?

7 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! For the missing and damaged parts, I agree with you. The next step would be to see if you can retrieve the same parts from a similar window elsewhere in the house so that you can take some pictures for us to see.

As for sash replacement, it may be tricky. If these are replacement windows, you should remove the inside wood trim so that you can get to the shims that the installer put in that made window bowed.
Handy Person from Conroe Tx
OK I'll post those in a few days. Thanks
Handy Person from Conroe Tx
The 1/2 wide balancer (metal only) is 28 "

attached are photos of the ends and missing top piece. From my measurements and photos I have finally deduced it to be a Series 385 ballancer.

The 1 3/32 dimension of the shoe tells me it is a 15-004 and the 15/16 dimension of the top tells me it is a 19-005.

The top sash guide seems to be a 18-174

If these #'s don't seem to match the photos please advise.
User submitted photos of a window balance.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for getting back to us. Great work! I agree with you--the S385-28 channel balance and 18-174 top sash guide seem to be the best matches for your hardware.

The only thing we need to know now is the weight of the sash. You see, your stamp of 2690 does not match any of our corresponding options. I'd be happy to figure out which one will work for your window, but I'll need to know the sash weight before I can proceed. Let me know!
Handy Person from Conroe Tx
Whoops forgot to list that. Since the window in question will require some extra work to remove, I got those specs from the window next to it which is the same height but half as wide. The bath scale said it was 12 lbs so I'm deducing that the window in question weighs 24 lbs.
Tom from SWISCO
For a sash of 24 pounds, I suggest the 2740 option. This can carry a sash weight range of 19 through 26 pounds. However, I highly recommend getting the exact weight of this sash. It may save you a headache in the long run!
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