I need to find a replacement roller for my sliding patio door!
I can't seem to find one that looks exactly like it in your catalog however I'm sure that one should fit? It is an Allen Stevens part no 68 30
Please see attached photo for reference!
Thanks Mike!
Looks pretty similar. What is the likelihood that you think this will work??
Regards and thanks for such a prompt response.
Tom from SWISCO
Jul 12, 2011 7:03 am
Peter, I can't say for certain, just make sure you compare the measurements of your original to the 81-002 before considering it as a replacement.
Home Owner from Montreal, QC
Jul 15, 2011 2:24 pm
Thanks Mike,
The measurements look good and I know that UPS just dropped it off at home.
Handy Person from Zwolle, the Netherlands
Sep 4, 2011 3:16 pm
Is roller part 6830 the substitution of roller part 6049 ?
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 6, 2011 10:09 am
The Allen Stevens 6830 has been compared to our 81-002 Weather Tight Roller, and the Allen Stevens 6049 has been compared to our 81-005 Sliding Door Roller.
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