Aluminum single hung

Quick Learner from California
Aug 17, 2017 4:08 pm
We have Viking Aluminum single hung windows. I can't figure out how to mount the sash back in to the window. The right side seems to have holes for a takeout clip, but there were no clips in the window at all.
The left side doesn't have as many holes as the right.
The balance appears to be your S395. That is, wings on the top, but not on the bottom.
Aluminum window sides
3 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 22, 2017 11:48 am
Looking at your pictures, the hook on the Series 395 balance would fit in the square hole above the round hole. The 16-002 take out clip would be further up the window track near the top. I pulled up a video to help you get a better idea of how these install.
Quick Learner from California
Aug 23, 2017 12:14 am
There are no other holes besides the ones shown in the pictures. (2 on left side, and 4 on right side) There are no takeout clips at all and no other holes from top to bottom of the track. Your video shows takeout clips on both sides. I have no takeout clips. Is there a way to install using only one clip if I purchase it with the balances?
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 24, 2017 2:19 pm
Before we get to your question, do you have the old balances from this window? I'd like to see them, as well as the sliding window sash and the top of the window track.
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