The bottom side of the metal contraption says 1967 CAN and, above the US Patent, 11600-3 Bottom = visible portion while the spring is in place
The backside (only visible once I got the thing out & just about lost a finger or two) has: Andersen Corp. 11600-17
and - very hard to read - 2387427685
Andersen window double hung window SPRING (or whatever that scary thing is called

Contractor from Granville Ohio
May 27, 2021 6:41 pm
2 user uploaded images
2 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Jun 2, 2021 3:19 pm

I'm not sure if those stamps are the one we need to see. Would it be possible to see a clear picture of the stamps themselves? There is a specific number that clues us as to what you need, but it's always printed on a different spot on the balance depending on when it's made. If you can just show us a clear shot of each stamp, I'm confident I can pick out the right replacement for you.