Channel Balance Replacement

About .5 inches wide and thick.
I think its s380 or s385
Wanted to check with you prior to ordering
Will,send another inquiry about the sash guides and balance retainers.
Thank you!

I agree, this does look like it's probably either the S380-29 or S385-29. The depth of the bottom nylon shoe, or the 'heel-to-toe' measurement, is the deciding factor between these two balances, so compare both with your old hardware to see what matches best. See the image below. if your balance's show proves to be a smaller depth than either of these options, please let me know what it measures out as. For a stamp option, choose 2820.

In that case, you need balances that use our 7/8" deep 15-029 shoe. None of our stock balances use this shoe, but we can provide these for you via custom order. I am sending you an email with a custom link to order two(2) of these 29" balances, stamped 2820, and with the 19-005 Top and 15-029 Bottom attached. If you need a different amount, let me know here in the discussion. Many thanks.