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Better Bilt window clips

Home Owner from USA
I have Better Bilt windows in my 1994 house and I am missing the Clips that I believe help keep the window in the track. These clips would be in the sides of the face of the windows.

Please let me know if you have the missing part that is shown in the window as a rectangular hole. Or if you know where I can get this part or even what is the part called.
User submitted a photo of window hardware.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Take a look at our 67-026 and 67-014 snap on face guides. See if these could work on your window. If not, we also have the 67-002 screw on type.
Home Owner from Usa
Which item was used and how were they installed? I dont see a way to insert into side of window.
1 user uploaded image
Tom from SWISCO

I'm afraid that we don't have confirmation on which recommended SWISCO product will work, but the ones we mentioned remain our best suggestion. I'm sorry that we cannot confirm one way or the other.

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