Bi-fold snugger hardware

Home Owner from Pasadena
This part is an original from a 1979 condo bifold louvered door. The plastic part is broken. I've gone to hardware stores and checked Amazon but no matches. I cannot find an identifying number or name anywhere plus top rail that the part fits into has been painted over. I don't want to replace the door because of a small part.
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5 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

We don't have an exact match, but take a look at our 23-229. Look over our dimensions and compare them to yours to see if this matches up for what you need.

Dimensions for 23-229
Dimensions for 23-229
Home Owner from Pasadena
Hi Emily,
Thanks so much for your research on this. I think it's pretty close. However I can't tell on your 17/32 measurement if it includes only the round part. So I've attached another photo of my rail it inserts into to see if your part will be right. If the photo isn't clear enough, I think the rail opening is 3/8". Thanks again.
1 user uploaded image
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

What I did was to measure were the "grooves" would snap into the bifold track. I'm coming up with 7/16" which should be good since you say your track is 3/8". You want this part to snap into the track at the top and not fall out. 

I do think it is actually the closest part I believe available to your original. If you have any doubts, you can see our return policy here. That may give you peace of mind.

Home Owner from Pasadena
Thanks for your help- I just made an order.
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