Thanks for reaching out! When searching for that part number, our 39-226 is what populates. So, I am assuming that you may have a Roto casement operator. Although, to confirm with certainty, I'll need to see a photo of your operator.
Unfortunately, the operator this handle was made for has been discontinued and is no longer made. So, you will need to speak with them about the warranty and the repairs for this operator.
There is a chance that they may tell you the best suggestion would be to replace the casement operator and handle set. If that is the case, part 39-325 (the opposite handed version 39-326) is typically recommended as a replacement. This the updated version for the Roto operator that uses the male Roto folding handle.
The compatible folding handle for this operator is part 39-232 and the 39-535 face mount sash bracket.
You'll likely need one sash bracket per operator given that the operators only connect using the single link arm. The number of parts you'll need to purchase will depend solely on the number of parts currently installed in your window and the number of windows you are look to replace the parts for.
I've linked all of the compatible parts to this thread.
I hope this helps!
Yes, it does help to give another idea however, it does not help to narrow down what you might need. There is a another part that does populate when searching the numbers you've provided, it is the 39-399 Roto single arm operator; the opposite version is part 39-400. This also used the 39-232 Roto Folding Crank Handle. It also uses the 39-541 Roto Casement Track Slider.
To determine which of these is the right replacement you'll need to compare the design and measurements from those shown on the diagram above, as well as those shown on the diagram below for the 39-399.
The body of each of these operators is the same, so the only way to confirm which one you need will be to confirm the design and dimensions of the entire operator.