Broken NUAIR windows

Quick Learner from Naples, FL
I have 2 identical NUAIR windows that all have broken top slides and are all missing both balance mechanisms. The label on the window frame indicates they are a 900 series windows, DH-R40 with a MST number 4565 and were installed in 1995. The outside dimension of the bottom window including the metal frame that slides is 50.5" wide by 36.5" high. I would also like to replace the wool insulating strips as well. I have not weighed the window yet to finalize the sizing of the balancing mechanism. Please help with the replacement part selection. Mike
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8 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Hey, Mike. I hope I can help!

Let's start with the parts we have. For the top sash guide, see our 18-178. This looks a lot like yours, but just make sure the dimensions match. As for the wool pile, I don't know exactly what you have but Nuair has used our 58-001 and 58-002 in the past. Again, look over their dimensions to see if either can work.

The balance is a little trickier. I can't be sure exactly what you have, but one of the safer options is the Series 385 channel balance. Best case scenario, it fits perfectly. Worst case scenario, the nylon attachments on either end will require some alteration. Don't worry, they're tiny alterations. If the shoe is too thick, you'd have to file it down a little. There is also the possibility that you'd have to clip off the wings. There's a good chance you'll be okay with the Series 385 as-is, though.

The real question now is what length you should choose. Tell me the height of the visible glass and I can work something out for you. Please also tell me the weight of the sash and I can recommend a stamp option. Thanks!
Quick Learner from Naples, FL
Paul, Thanks for the response. The height of the visible glass is 33" and the weight of the sash is 23 pounds. Can you recommend the proper length for the channel balance? Also, I have attached at picture of the bottom of the channel to see if this helps in determining the proper channel balance. Mike
Paul from SWISCO
Great, thank you. I recommend an S385-33 balance with a 3240 stamp option. Two balances with this stamp can carry a sash weight of 23 through 28 pounds.
Quick Learner from Ocean Isle Beach
Hi Paul, on the sides of our General Aluminum windows, (BTW the 18-178s worked perfectly ! ) are tiny little glide clips, 4 on each window in little indentations where they go. Do you sell these ? They appear to be made of plastic. Thanks again, Best, George N Jane
Paul from SWISCO
Great! Glad to hear the 18-178 worked out. For the glide clips you mentioned, you might be looking for nylon face guides like our 67-002. Look over the different types we carry and match yours.
Home Owner from Stuart, FL
Paul, I'm can't BEGIN to tell you how great (no, actually mind-boggling) it is to know there's anyone left out there (especially online) as professional and hekpful as you guys! This is just based on reading your responses to Mike re. replacing non-tilt channel balances! I had NO IDEA what was might be involved in fixing our NUAIR window (where apparently the balances have "died") But, now I know what to measure for, to be able to get back to you to order parts! Thanks again, You are a Blessing, SAM
Paul from SWISCO

You're very kind to say so, Sam! I'm just happy you found our site to be of some assistance. Thanks for reaching out and don't hesitate to contact us if you ever needed help with your window project!

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