Broken shoes on Milgard channel balance

Home Owner from Mountain Center, Ca
I broke the shoes on the ends of my Milgard window channel balance. The balance is stamped 19B I can't seem to find the right balance anywhere, but all i really need are the end shoes. Can you help?
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for contacting us. I'm sorry to hear of your trouble; I hope we can help!

I'm not quite sure what channel balance Series you would need without knowing what shoes you have, exactly. Do you have an identical balance that is still undamaged? Perhaps on the other side of the window, or in a similar window elsewhere in the house?

If you do find an undamaged balance, please upload a few pictures of the shoes here for us to look at and identify. I'd be happy to help you find a substitute. Even if you can't find an undamaged shoe, I'd like to see a few pictures of the bad one, anyway. It's possible I can pick out what you have from its remains!
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us! I recognize that balance. That indentation at the end of the channel gave it away.

I'm afraid that we do not have these shoes. You may have to replace the entire balance from us. For more information, please see this existing thread concerning this very same balance.

If you would like to purchase a new balance, I'd have to know a few things--namely, the length of your metal channel, the number stamped on it, and the width of the T shoe at the bottom. You will have to measure one of the undamaged shoes. Let me know!
Home Owner from mountain center
Here are pix of the channel and broken end pieces. I tried to get the unbroken ones out, but was afraid I would break them also in the process and really be in a fix. the broken ends of the shoe are quite a bit larger than the part that fits into the channel. I hope these pix help you help me.
A customer submitted photo of channel balance attachments.
Home Owner from Mountain Center
Thanks again for your help. The metal channel is 19" and the width of the T shoe is 1 1/4" at its widest point. The only number stamped on the channel is 19B

Tom from SWISCO
Great! I think that should be our last step. I recommend that you take a look at our S795-19 channel balance. I would also recommend, of course, the 19B stamp option. The 19B can support a window sash weight of 9 through 13 pounds. Does your window's sash fall within that range?

Please keep in mind that the weight range information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.
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