Do you have a longer casment window handle crank extension

Quick Learner from Brooklyn
We are seeking a very long handle (at least 6-10 inches)extender than can open a casement window that is a long reach over 25" kitchen counter top. We think 10" is the max we need and the max we can tolerate from an appearance standpoint. We see your 4" extender; do you have anything longer?

4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Hey, Kevin. You could actually try using two extensions together. Check out our 39-157 and the 39-157B bracket. You should also see the guide below to see an example of how these work together.
Diagram of the pole ring system.
Diagram of the pole ring system.
Home Owner from North Carolina
I see what you mean... But is that oval ring on the end the hand crank that you turn to open the window? Somehow it doesn't look right. Please confirm. Thx.
Tom from SWISCO
The oval ring is just a separate part that is used for the sake of the example graph. You would be using a second extension, instead.
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