Champion window balances are missing.

Home Owner from USA
Help! We have bought new windows at a auction. Installed them in our new home, well...the channel balances are missing ( I think). They will not raise up on thier own. They are big windows,but incomplete apparently. They are champion windows. I called the number on them but it is not a good number. How do I identify what i need please tell me this can be fixed. Window weighs 30.4 lbs.and glass dimensions are 57 3/4 X 23.
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7 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Hi there- thanks for posting! 

Could you confirm that the measurement you provided is indeed the measurement of just the glass? 

Home Owner from USA
Yes it is.
Paul from SWISCO

Wait, hold on, Dave.

Look at the side tracks. Those are horizontal sliding tracks, aren't they? I believe this window is supposed to slide left and right, not up and down.

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Oh, I think you're right, Paul. In that case, the windows wouldn't be able to take channel balances. I'm not sure whether there would be a solution that can lift the window and hold it.

Paul from SWISCO

I'm sorry for the confusion. I'm not saying that your windows currently slide, but that it was designed originally as a horizontal sliding window. It was never meant to be installed as a hung window, like how you've installed it. They never had balances because it was never designed to work with balances to begin with. They are just not designed this way. There are no balances on the market that can work with a sliding window, even if it was installed as a hung window. I apologize that we cannot be of more help. Your only solution would be to get new windows.

Home Owner from USA
I am the window owner, don't think they slide sideways. The picures are the sides of the window. It will go up and down but will not stay. It can't slide sideways.
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