Channel Balance End

Quick Learner from Tulsa
Aug 25, 2014 9:47 am
I'm needing to replace a couple of channel balances for a window. The balance is stamped 23D. It is 9/16" wide which I have read is considered 1/2". Based upon using your selection tool, I think I need something like the series 351 24" 2340 channel balance. But one of the ends look more like 15-095. Does this matter? Thanks in advance.

3 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Aug 26, 2014 9:09 am

That doesn't look like our 15-095 to me. The Series 351 uses our 15-002. Why don't you think that's what you have? How does it differ?

Quick Learner from Tulsa, OK
Aug 26, 2014 9:26 am
It seemed different at the time to me, but now doesn't. Thanks for checking it out, I have placed the order.
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