Channel Balance End

Quick Learner from Tulsa
I'm needing to replace a couple of channel balances for a window. The balance is stamped 23D. It is 9/16" wide which I have read is considered 1/2". Based upon using your selection tool, I think I need something like the series 351 24" 2340 channel balance. But one of the ends look more like 15-095. Does this matter? Thanks in advance.
User submitted a photo of a window balance.
3 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
That doesn't look like our 15-095 to me. The Series 351 uses our 15-002. Why don't you think that's what you have? How does it differ?
Quick Learner from Tulsa, OK
It seemed different at the time to me, but now doesn't. Thanks for checking it out, I have placed the order.
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