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Channel Balance Questions

Handy Person from Utah

I'm trying to purchase a couple of channel balances for my non-tilt Milgard window. Here's a couple of question:

1) My channel measures 19 5/8 " - so do I choose a 19" or a 20" channel?

2) It has a 19 2 marking on it. Not sure what that means.

3) Any ideas how to figure out the stamp?


6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Russ. Just to confirm, are you just measuring the metal channel when determining length? Do not include the nylon attachments in your measurement. If it still measures 19-5/8", could I see a few pictures of those nylon attachments? You may need a specially made balance, and seeing them will help me confirm.

Let's start with that for now. If your balance is what I think it may be, then it will render the second two questions moot. Either way, once I get pictures we can work from there.
Quick Learner from Utah
Thanks Tom.

I've attached a couple of pictures. I remeasured the metal channel just to make sure and it reads 19-5/8 (no nylon attachments included).

Hopefully the pictures will help.

A customer submitted image of their channel balance attachments.
Tom from SWISCO
Perfect! I thought you might have a balance like this. It will have to be specially made. Please give me a little time to look into this for you and I will let you know as soon as I have more information. Thank you!
Quick Learner from Utah
Any luck?
Casey from SWISCO
Hey Rus,
Yes! Thanks for waiting, I will email you a custom balance ordering link shortly.
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