MW Window Channel Balance Replacement Part

Quick Learner from Howell, MI
May 13, 2011 11:32 am
I have MW windows and need to replace a 31" Channel Balance. The stamp on the channel is 30D. I don"t know what part number the plastic end pieces are. DOes that matted as long as the channel is the right length and the ends look the same.
User submitted photo of 30D channel balance.
1 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
May 16, 2011 1:57 pm
Good Afternoon,

It is tough to see the balance attachments clearly from your pictures but I believe you need the S390 replacement balance. Take a look at the S390-31 replacement balance. Compare your attachments to the attachments in the S390-31 product picture. (you can see close ups of the attachments by viewing each attachment separately, products 19-002 & 15-001).

If the S390-31 is indeed the balance you need, your stamp 30D would translate to our stamp option 3040

Also, feel free to submit more pictures of your balance attachments if you would like me to take a closer look.
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