I have a broken channel balance & when searching through your site my model # 29DS38 does not show? My sash weights about 39 pounds & I have included pictures. Do you have a suitable replacement? Thanks
PS The top plastic guide that screws into the window also needs replacing.
PPS: I am sending more pics in a second message. THANKS
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Jan 25, 2016 11:00 am
Thank you for your patience in this matter. This balance looks like it could be our S380-30 channel balance. Look it over and tell me if you agree. As for the stamp, we have a chart on the S380-30 store page that lists all our options and how much weight each can support. In your case, it could either be our 2965 (35 to 39 lbs) or 2970 (39 to 42 lbs). I recommend weighing your sash again to get a more accurate measurement, just to see if it tips one way or the other.
For the top sash guide, it may be our 18-166. Carefully compare our measurements to yours to be sure.
Quick Learner
Jan 28, 2016 2:33 pm
I weighed the sash & it is 37 pounds so I think the channel balance S380-30 #2965 is the one I need. My present balance is double spring & I don't think the one on your site is but I'm assuming it will work fine as long as the weight is proper?
The top sash guide you mention is not the same measurements as mine & I found the manufacturer sticker still glued to the top of the window & it is Lawson. I only found one Lawson top sash guide on your site but it also does not match mine. My guide also has groves along both sides that slide over runners on the side of the sash. Please see pics & advise. Thanks
Paul from SWISCO
Jan 29, 2016 10:37 am
Thanks for posting! Yes, as long as its strength can support your sash, a single spring should work. In regards to the top sash guide, may we see the front view showing the screw holes? Can you also tell me your dimensions?
Quick Learner
Jan 30, 2016 1:20 pm
Here are a couple pics of the sash guide & using my amateur attempt using paint software I added measurements. Thanks
Paul from SWISCO
Feb 2, 2016 10:11 am
Perfect, thanks. See our 18-166, this may be the one you want.
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