Channel balance for tilt Stanley window

Quick Learner from Winter haven fl
Jun 10, 2023 3:05 pm
Looking to replace broken channel balance
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3 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Jun 11, 2023 11:25 am

Thanks for posting. It appears you have a Series 795 Channel Balance that uses the 15-195B Open Cam T-Lock Shoe, or a shoe where you can "see through" the back of the cam. The shoe that comes by default with this balance is the 15-195 Closed Cam Shoe. You'll have to buy the 15-195B separately and swap out the shoes. This is a very straightforward process that the video below illustrates. 

Now, as far as the balance itself, you have to choose the proper length and stamp option. Typically, a Series 795 stamped '14' would be 14" long; however, your stamp is a little unusual, since most balances of this type have a stamp that begins with a two digit number and then a letter, whereas yours does not. To be extra safe, please measure the metal channel, not including the shoe. I believe it will either be 14" or maybe 15" long, so you'd need either a S795-14 or S795-15. Finally, you need to choose a stamp option, which indicates the strength of the balance. Again, your stamp is a bit unusual, so what I'd like you to do is obtain the exact weight of the window sash. This can be done using a bathroom scale. Give us that exact weight, and that should narrow down what stamp you might need. Many thanks. 

Quick Learner from Winter haven fl
Jun 12, 2023 9:08 am

It is 15 inches long the window is still in the frame another guy is putting this in for me he knows how it all goes together is there any thing I can help you figure out what I need

Above my thumb is marked 32 and the spring is 6 3/4 inches if any of this helps thank you for trying to figure it out

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Bob from SWISCO
Jun 12, 2023 10:30 am

In that case, we will need to know the exact weight of the sash, as described above. Your stamp indicates a heavier-than average calibration for a 15" channel and there is a good chance this will have to be custom made. Knowing the sash weight will allow us to know for sure.

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