Color tip on spiral spring

Spring is 3/8" and length is 35".
Are both spring for for a he sashes usually the same lengths.
Need to know what parts I need.

If the outer tube diameter of the spiral balance is 3/8", and its 35" long not including the tip, then see our S900-35. For a window that weighs 32 pounds exactly, use the Yellow Tip option, which will support a sash in the weight range of 24 through 34 pounds. Let me know if you have further questions.

Where do I find the spredor tool on the web site.
Thanks for the help.

There's a ton of different pivot shoes that might work with this spiral balance, so without clearly seeing the original out of the window and knowing its width and thickness, the pertinent dimensions for a pivot shoe, I can't say for sure. Based on what I can see you might need the 15-178 or 15-188; both of these look similar, with the key difference being the width and thickness of the shoe. Compare both with your old hardware to determine what you need.
See our 75-069 for Jam Spreaders; but note you can also get the shoes out without using them. See the video below that explains the 'cutout' method for removing and replacing pivot shoes.