Correct Channel Balance

Home Owner from San Jose, California

Hello, I have a hung windo in a 20 year old house that appears to have a mix of S380 and S390 window channel balance according to your drawings. The stamped numbers on it are 2130 "C". The top appears to be your 19-005 part number and the shoe is your 15-001 part number. Does this make sense? Should I order it this way or be better off using S380 or S390?

would you know which sash guide goes with that type of channel balance?

Also, Am I able to order them attached with my purchase?

thanks, Fowzy S
user uploaded photo of channel balances
6 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
The balance you need is our S395-22 channel balance. This balance features the 15-001 shoe and the 19-005 top.
Quick Learner from San Jose, CA

Thank you for your response.

Would you know which sash guides I can order for this balance? The originals are missing.

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
It is hard to tell which top sash guide to use because many manufacturers used this type of balance. To get started with identifying the proper one, please take a look at our Top Sash Channel Balance Guides section. If you cannot find a match, upload a few photos of your sash guide so we can help you locate a replacement. Be sure to include dimensions along with your submission.
Quick Learner from San Jose, CA
Thanks for your help. I'm attaching pictures of top sash guides. I was not able to find a similar one readily in your catalog. Pls advise p# if you have it.
user uploaded sash guide
Paul from SWISCO
The Swisco 18-009 Top Sash Guide is commonly used with the Series 390 Channel Balance.
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