Before we provide you with a replacement balance option I want you to double check a couple measurements.
Recheck the diameter. You reported 3/8", but did you measure the diameter of the overall plastic tube? The S900 is 3/8", but the more popular S600 has a 9/16" (considered 5/8" in the trade). I just want to double check that you do indeed have the skinnier balance tube.
Usually the length of the balance tube will end on the inch (not the half inch like you reported). I see that your balances are in pretty bad shape which may make it hard to measure. Please provide the measurement of just the plastic tube and the measurement of the actual spiral removed from the tube. We can figure out which length you will need from those two measurements.
Thank you for your response!
I was just measuring the diameter of the metal tube inside the plastic cover. The diameter of the outer plastic layer is 9/16".
The length of the plastic tube is: 28 3/4"
The length of the removed spiral is: 29 3/4". That is tip to tip and includes the part of the spiral that goes through the blue bushing.