Do I need the Series 200?

Handy Person from Imperial, MO
Jan 17, 2013 7:43 pm
Paul, thank you for finding the discrepancies in my order. I'm not sure which balances and guides I need. Attached are photos of what I have. I hope this gives enough information to get the correct parts. I originally ordered series 200 but you thought I might need 303. Please email me with any information you might have. If you know what parts I need, please go ahead and send them. I have attached more pictures on a separate post because this post allows me only to post 5. Thank you.

2 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Jan 18, 2013 11:35 am

Thanks for posting! That's correct, I think that the Series 303 may be a better choice for you. When you identify the sash clips as our 17-018 & 17-019, and your top sash as our 18-002, then the window will need a longer extension of the balance spiral, which our Series 303 has.
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