Does the 82-009A door handle set come with an outside pull?

Handy Person from Scottsdale, AZ
Dec 28, 2011 2:20 pm
1. Does the 82-009A come with an outside pull similiar to 82-042? It's hard to tell by the picture. I can't use anything other than 82-042 because it would be flush with the jam.

2. Is it possible to replace the gray pile 58-004 without sliding it out/in the end of the track. It looks like it would be a lot of work to pry it in. I would have to tear the entire patio door out and break down the sash, jams and top plate to get access to the end of the track to slide it in.
User submitted picture of door handle and wool pile.
1 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Jan 9, 2012 1:16 pm
Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Unfortunately, our 82-009A Patio Door Handle Set does not comes with an outside pull similar to our 82-042. That said, you can reuse your current outside handle if you wish.

As for your second question, you would need to take the frame apart to slide out the old wool pile weatherstripping and slide in the new.
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