Dorwal Sliding Glass door 1955?

Home Owner from Bloomington, IL
Jan 3, 2014 3:11 pm
The roller on one side has broken as you can see. We removed both rollers and would like to replace them. None of the options on your website look like they are the same. Can you help us?

User submitted photos of a patio door roller.
5 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jan 9, 2014 2:10 pm
Thanks for posting. I recognize this wheel. Unfortunately, I don't believe it's made anymore. However, I have retrofitted our 81-123 in the past to work. You just need to drill a hole on the end to allow for adjustment.
Quick Learner from Bloomington, IL
Jan 9, 2014 3:26 pm
The 25/32" does not look as though it is as wide enough. Would that be a problem?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jan 13, 2014 1:45 pm
The screw tab should keep the housing centered. Only the internal part of the housing adjusts. What you can do is install a shim on either side of the housing with double stick tape to ensure that it's held in place.
Quick Learner from Bloomington, IL
Jan 21, 2014 4:11 pm
Received the recommended parts. They will not work. The main concern is the wheel does not even fit on the track. It is not wide enough. The next concern is that is is not heavy duty enough for the heavy door. This sliding door is 49" (the glass is 44" plus frame). It takes 2 strong people to even lift it. Did you notice the dimensions on the rollers we took off? Is there anything closer?

I need to send these back. I paid the extra postage and they still took a week to get here. What do you suggest?

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jan 24, 2014 8:40 am
Thank you for getting back to us. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you. Unfortunately, we do not have any other option. This is the only method that has ever worked for me. I'm sorry we couldn't be of more help.
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