Former Malta window screen latches

Home Owner from Ellicott City, MD
Jun 11, 2021 3:56 pm
Some of the latches on my 27 year old windows are broken. It looks like your Malta screen latches are the same size, but is it possible to clip them into the existing screen? My screens are quite large and don't have holes; those that did were replaced some time ago. All I want is to see if there was some way to secure the existing screens without rescreening them with your latches.
2 Replies

Bob from SWISCO
Jun 15, 2021 10:24 am

Without photos I can't be certain if the 70-048 Malta Clip could work for you. Malta actually made a different version of this clip that is no longer available that customers often have, and the 70-048 won't work as a replacement. Take a look at the 70-056, 70-004 and the clip on ring 70-204. I have used these in the past to install screens on wood sash windows. Otherwise, we are not able to provide this exact clip.
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