Framed shower sweep with drain rail

Home Owner from USA
Oct 3, 2014 8:26 am
I need to replace my framed shower sweep with drain rail. Could you please recommend what I should get from you based on the photos attached. I don't know who the manufacturer was. The shower was installed in 1986. Thanks.

4 Replies

Home Owner from california
Oct 5, 2014 2:03 am
I'm sending you more photos of the drain rail. Looks like the 10-324 might work but could it be cut to 23.25" before it is shipped to me. Also, I need the brass and not the chrome.

Paul from SWISCO
Oct 6, 2014 3:38 pm

Thanks for posting. The 10-324 does come in brass, but I'm afraid we cannot cut it down before shipping. It could be done with a fine-tooth hacksaw, though, if you have one.
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