HD closer torsion bar
Handy Person from StL
Nov 8, 2015 1:25 pm
Please explain/show what the torsion bar is/does. I can't picture how the closer could work with a stiff, straight bar attachment to the door, unable to swivel it would appear. And how would the angle be accounted for without bending the bar where it attaches to the door? Thanks.
2 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Nov 10, 2015 9:12 am
If you look at the picture of the end detail on the 40-128 store page, you will see that the torsion bar is attached to the jamb bracket end of the closer tube. The torsion bar has some spring to it to create some force in closing a heavy storm door. The 40-128 used used mostly on security type storm doors.
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