Full name: alex n
Balance length: 41
Balance stamp: 41-50
Balance color: gray
Quantity: 14
Balance length: 38
Balance stamp: 38-45
Balance color: gray
Quantity: 6
Balance length: 51
Balance stamp: 51-55
Balance color: gray
Quantity: 14
Hybrid Balance Quote Request

Quick Learner from usa
Jun 25, 2021 11:57 am
2 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Jun 29, 2021 2:32 pm

Hello, Alex. We can absolutely supply these balances. I will email you three custom order links now, one for each size. You can use those to place an order on our site.
One note before you place your order, though: your balance lengths should all end in 1/2" increments. In your case, they should be 41-1/2", 38-1/2", and 51-1/2" long, respectively. You should triple check that just to be sure.