I need another 3/16"

Home Owner from Virginia
I just bought the 82-244 mortise lock and keeper.
My handle set is working perfectly, and everything about this mortise is perfect, EXCEPT: the keyway is not set back far enough into the door. My tumbler has to pull way over to the side to reach the keyway, which means it will break if I actually use it.
I need it to be another 3/16 farther in. Do you have an option for that?
User submitted a photo of a door handle.
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. Would you happen to have the old mortise lock available? If so, I'd like to see a picture of it so that we can find a better match.
Quick Learner
No, I don't have the old lock. It looks exactly the same as the one ordered, with all of the exact dimensions, except for the depth, which is not shown on your web site, so I assumed it was a standard measurement. I feel confident that anything between 1/8" to 1/4" deeper would work. Thank you for your help to find the right lock.

The picture below shows the difference from the original lock and the one purchased. The original lock has more depth in the part that goes flush inside the sliding door. Can you get me the right latch? Thanks, Livio
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Tom from SWISCO
It looks like the only difference is in the face plate itself. I'm afraid we haven't been able to find a face plate that better matches your dimensions, but if you still have the old one, could you re-use it with the new lock?
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