I have some 28" long channel balances. They carry a stamp of 2790N 26.
The sash weighs 24.4 lbs, but you don't have a stamp listed for 2790, and a 24 pound sash would be your standard 2740.
Do you have any idea where the 2790 stamp comes from? WHat balance should I use?
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Sep 24, 2015 9:51 am
Thank you for posting. I think this balance matches our S395-28 channel balance, though to choose the correct option you will need to weigh your window sash. We have a chart on the S395-28 store page that shows each option and how much weight they can support.
As for the broken top sash guide, it appears like it could possibly match our 18-009, 18-044, or 18-166. You will need to confirm which is a better match based on our dimensions.
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