Identify Replacement parts

Home Owner from USA
Mar 8, 2018 9:37 am
Looking to identify correct replacement parts for my PGT SH701 Single hung window. Attached is a picture of the window along with a few pictures of parts. We need new balances along with the plastic tube covers (pic). We also need the plastic piece the guides the balance that is attached to the window (pic) along with the plastic square piece attached to both sides of the window. (Pic). I hope you can help with the parts for the window.

Thanks, Jim
Spiral balance
3 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Mar 12, 2018 2:59 pm
We should be able to help, though your balance will have to be specially made. Before we start, can you tell me the code stamped on the tube? Seeing a picture of it would help a ton. Can you also tell me how many you need?
Handy Person from Port Charlotte, FL
Mar 12, 2018 3:41 pm
Attached is the code on the balancer. 21-44 lb ultra lift IA
We would need two of them.
balance stamp
Tom from SWISCO
Mar 15, 2018 2:42 pm
Thank you! We don't sell a replacement cover, but we can provide this balance with a white outer tube. I will email you a special order link for 2 of these right now.
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