How To Install 82-107

Home Owner from NJ
Sep 20, 2018 7:23 pm
I have a new 82-107 how do I install it? Please help.
1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 27, 2018 9:39 am

Thanks for contacting us. You'll have to remove the handle plate from the door before you install it. The washers actually sandwich over this plate, keeping the 82-107 secure. The plastic washer goes under the lever itself on the outside of the handle while the wave washer and push nut go on the inside. See the diagram below to get an idea of how they're meant to go together.

Dimensions for 82-107
Dimensions for 82-107
The manufacturer suggests pushing it around the lever stem with a flat blade screw driver. Just make sure to take your time and push it a little at each side, going around it in a circle. I've also known some professionals set the lever on a block of wood and place a small socket from a socket wrench set over the shaft to tap the push nut on. It can be a little tricky to install, though it is possible.
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