Kenco Window parts

Quick Learner from Jacksonville, FL
We are looking for parts for three Kenco windows. We have a 29" balance and are looking for - 2 springs and 6 retainers that screw onto the top of the window. I have a few more photos than what is attached and can send them if needed. Series Mark 40/50.
User submitted photos of a window balance.
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Hey, thanks for posting. I've narrowed this down to two possible channel balance Series: either our Series 380 or our Series 385.

Now, as you can see, the only difference between these two Series is their bottom shoe. The Series 380 uses the 15-005 while the Series 385 uses the 15-004. I can't quite tell what you have based on your pictures, though. Please carefully compare their dimensions to your own hardware and see which is a better match.
Comparison of 15-004 and 15-005
Comparison of 15-004 and 15-005
For the top sash guide, see our 18-166 as a possible replacement.
Quick Learner from Jacksonville, FL
size is 1 3/16. Please see pictures added with this posting.
User submitted photos of a window balance.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for the additional information, however the par you measured is the top attachment, not the shoe. Your shoe appears to be brown, though color doesn't matter for these parts, only the size. Please measure your shoe and tell me if the 15-004 or 15-005 is closer.
Quick Learner from Jacksonville
Per pictures above and information already gotten we have narrowed to ordering the 29" Series 380 Channel Balance
Product Code: S380-29

However, I have no idea what stamp option. Can you advise per the pictures above we have already submitted.

Your help is needed.

I need to get these ordered today if possible.
Tom from SWISCO
Sure! A stamp of 29 4 usually corresponds to our 2940 option, unsurprisingly, but if you want you can always weigh your sash to ensure that this is correct.
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