Kinco rubber or vinyl gasket seal

Handy Person from Melbourne, FL
Sep 8, 2011 11:44 am
This photo is of a gasket that seals the outer edge for the lower sash of aluminum Kinco windows from about 1993. The "T" shape of the gasket inserts into a thin track along the lower sash outer edge, about a 1/4" from the bottom of the window.

The "T" shape measures 3/16". Overall, from the upper part of the T to the bottom of the curved sweep, it measures 7/16"

Material is either black rubber or vinyl.

These gaskets are old, no longer pliable and no longer properly contacting the bottom of the window, which allows water intrusion during a hard blowing rain.

Any hope for this? I know Kinco is out of business. They had a warehouse in my city but it is long gone. Thanks!
User submitted photo of vinyl gasket seal for Kinco.
2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 9, 2011 1:32 pm
Good Afternoon,

Take a look at the 10-319 Shower Door Flap, it looks like it could be a match.
Handy Person from Florida
Apr 15, 2024 8:19 am
I have a similar problem with my Kinco windows. Did this solution work?
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