Le-Al-Co tilt latches

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Your tilt latches for Keller windows seem to have the same measurements as my 24 year old Le-Al-Co latches. Will they work or do you have the ones for my windows? I can't find the ones for my windows on your web site.
3 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Another customer was also looking for replacements for a LE-AL-CO window. They purchased the right handed 26-157 and it worked, but only with some slight adjustments.

The tab seemed a bit wide for them, but otherwise was the same as the part they removed. They used a utility knife to shave a bit off the tab so that they did not have to force it in. After thinning it out a bit, they got it into the side slot and the screw hold lined up exactly. They used the top screw hole as it was.

Now, this is no guarantee that it will work for you. I'm not totally familiar with LE-AL-CO windows and I can't be sure if his latch was the same as yours. If you want to confirm, remove your latch from the window and show us some pictures of it and we can work from there.
Home Owner from Nashville,TN
I needed tilt latches for Le-Al-Co windows. I ordered the 26-089P for Keller windows and with a little coaxing on the top screw(the side screw holes matched up perfectly) they worked. Problem solved.
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