Looking for a handle

Home Owner from Manhattan, Kansas
I'm looking for a handle for my glass sliding patio door. Over all length is 9/5/8
center of hole to center of hole 4". I also need Product code 82-265 ( which is the size of my old one) product code 82-249 (which is the size of my old one. Now if I can find a handle that fits product code 82-265 and my old multi-point keeper fine if not all new. Just need a handle that will fit with the above product codes. The handle does not need a key lock on the outside if there is one ok.I have taken pictures of both sides of the inside and outside handle. Hope you can help.
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2 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

See our keyed 82-086 or non-keyed 82-089. Either look like what you need and are compatible with the 82-265

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