Looking for part replacements
Hello there!
Thank you for reaching out to us. I'm afraid we can't identify your pivot from these photos. Is there an undamaged version we can see? We would also like to see photos of the hole pattern to narrow down some options.
It's hard to say but take a look at the two commercial door pivot sets we've related for you on this page. I think one of these might be the pivot you are looking for but it's hard to see the mounting hole locations in your photos. You could try spraying the area with a lubricant like WD-40 to clean up the mess. Look over the specifications for these parts and see what you think.
Looking at your bottom pivot screw locations it does appear that either the 79-098 with two mounting holes at the top pivot or the 79-134 could be the pivot set with three holes at the top pivot. However, you didn't show us the screw locations at the top inside header on the door frame. I recommend you take a look at your top door header to see if you have the two or three holes that secure the top pivot into the frame.