Looking to Replace a Broken Window Crank Unit
Landlord from Newark, NJ
May 9, 2017 8:11 am
Hello I wrote earlier trying to identify a window crank unit I need to replace. As I understand it, it is out of production. I received a reply to a post I made earlier asking for additional photos. My tenant has provided the following but I believe she has missed the arm. It opens and closes like scissors within the corner of the window frame.
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
May 15, 2017 8:48 am
I'm afraid we still cannot identify what you have. We need to see the arm in order to identify what you have. There are multiple operators that use this cover and handle, so they are not enough to determine what you have. You mention that it opens like scissors, which makes me think of our 39-155 and 39-156, but you would need to carefully go over our pictures, dimensions, and other information to confirm if these match.
Landlord from Newark, new jersey
May 16, 2017 11:53 am
I think I understand, but I have an older tenant and she is claiming she can not photo the arm.
I believe if the only difference in the parts is one opens left, and the other opens right, this particular window opens right.
Does that help, and thank you for your assistance.
I believe if the only difference in the parts is one opens left, and the other opens right, this particular window opens right.
Does that help, and thank you for your assistance.
Tom from SWISCO
May 19, 2017 1:42 pm
That doesn't really narrow it down, unfortunately. The only way to confirm if the hardware I mentioned will work is to carefully compare our pictures and measurements to the existing hardware.
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