MW window sash balance

Professional from Charleston, SC
This balance has broken in several places and needs to be completely replaced. The track is 36 inches long x 1/2 inch square. The spring is 20 inches long. As you can see from the photos the clutch and the piece at the base of the string are also broken. I am trusting that you can identify this balance and suggest a replacement. I can find no manufacture ID on the window, glass or hardware. The homeowner believes it is MW.
With thanks,
User submitted image of their window hardware.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Hello again, Robb. We should be able to help, yes, though this balance will have to be custom made. I'm thinking our Series 795 with a 15-194 shoe and 15-198 hook specially attached. Does that look good to you?

If so, I will need you to confirm a few details before we continue.

First, what is the length of the metal channel by itself? Can you also tell me what number is printed on it? Finally, how many altogether will you need?
Professional from Charleston, SC
Thank you Paul. I did send a new post, subsequent to the original but cannot find it on your website. However, to answer your query.... The channel is 36 inches long - stamped on it is... 36D BSI RM. The width of the shoe (clutch) is 15/16".
So I believe your S795-36 with a 15-194 shoe and a15-198 hook will be exactly right.
To even the load on this sash, I would require two complete new balances with these specs.
If this is all the info you need please let me know ASAP and I will place the order accordingly.
Thank you for your help and expertise.
Tom from SWISCO
Perfect, that's everything we need. I'll email you an order link which you can use to add this special balance to your cart, allowing you to continue shopping as if it were any other product. It will also include a price quote, of course.
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