Malta window crank mechanism

Home Owner from Middlebury, Indiana
We have several small Malta awning windows and the crank out part seems to be stripped or something. You can crank it out, but it won't crank back in to close it. Can you help?
5 Replies
Home Owner from Middlebury, Indiana
The arms say "Truth", but there are no numbers on them.
3 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

Start by taking a look at our 39-143 and 39-083 awning operators. Look over our dimensions and compare them to yours to see if this matches what you need. 

Dimensions for 39-143
Dimensions for 39-143
Home Owner from Middlebury, Indiana
In your illustration at the top, your dimension is 12". Mine is 15".
Again, no numbers on the unit, but it does say Truth.
Emily from SWISCO

I'm afraid we don't have an awning operator in this style that measures 15"  "elbow to elbow". However, take a look at our 39-140 and see if this is a better match for what you need. 

Dimensions for 39-140
Dimensions for 39-140
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