Mirror door track

Handy Person from New Jersey
Sep 1, 2014 9:34 pm
I just purchased the 72" Sliding Mirror Door Bottom Track Product Code: 23-242 that I am using to replace an existing track. The existing track was installed incorrectly on top of carpet and and it rocks from side to side when used how do I install the new track to fix this problem?
2 Replies

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Sep 4, 2014 2:43 pm

I can think of two solutions that could work. First, check to see if there's enough room between the bottom of the doors and the track to install a piece of wood or plywood. That would help to stabilize the track. Alternatively, you could cut out the carpet and install a piece of wood in the empty spot to get the proper height. You might need a carpet installer to cut back and secure rug to the floor, though.
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