Need 4 channel balance

Quick Learner from Fort Walton Beach, florida
I have two windows that need the balances replaced. The house was built in 1966 and they are probably original equipment. The balances do not have any part numbers or manufacturer. The balances are 18 and 3/8 inches not counting the plastic clip on the end. Counting the end pieces they are 18 and 7/8 inches. The window frames are aluminum. The frames do not have the window removal clips shown in the internet videos.There is a rubber dam at the top and under the rubber dam is a clip that holds the top of the balance. When you remove the dam you can raise the window all the way to the top and the window will come out of the track. See the pictures for the parts needed.
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2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO


You have an old discontinued Capitol window balance. We suggest using a newer Capitol style balance Series 370. You won't have to screw on the bottom shoe. To install the new balance, first hook the balance clip on the steel bracket hole, work the top fitting wings into the window track, then lock the balance under the window clip. Repeat the other side, install the sash and remember to place the top rubber stops. You will need the S370-18 balance. To determine the stamp option needed, you will need to obtain the weight of the window sash and compare to the strength chart on the product page. Please let me know if you have any questions! 

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