Need help replacing these four keys/corners for screen frame

Handy Person from Chicagoland
Oct 30, 2023 11:19 pm
Can't seem to find a replacement for this window screen frame corner.

1.7 inches in side length.
A bit less than 3/16 inches in "height"
A bit less than 7/16 inches in "thickness"

Attached pictures with markings.
07AC8031-3113-4176-B3D3-9FE5B6C8FEF5 28ACA5A3-8E77-41C8-AFF5-BD3FD7060570 D3D693FA-548B-4F76-BFFA-3B453C31EA7D
3 user uploaded images
3 Replies
Emily from SWISCO
Nov 1, 2023 10:07 am

Hi there!

Unfortunately, this nylon double-leg corner is no longer available. What you need to do is use the 95-002 corner key to hold the frame together while you install it into the channel closest to the screen groove. However, you will also need one leg of your existing nylon corner, or one leg of the 95-002 , to hold your slide latches on the bottom channel of the screen frame. Take a look and see what you think.

Quick Learner from Chicagoland
Nov 2, 2023 11:08 am
I'm not sure there are any "bottom" channels on the frame. It's a simple, one opening, normal frame. I've attached a picture. Any other way I can do it with one corner piece and not use 2 per corner?
646B4A66-DCA0-41B3-BE37-F8905DE8EA70 549F488F-12EE-48A5-8D5A-6BBEE0A03FE9
2 user uploaded images
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Nov 3, 2023 8:05 am

After taking a look at the photo showing the inside of your screen frame, I don't think the 95-002 will work for you. Take a look at the 95-054 and the 95-129 corners instead. These look closer to the corner you need to fit your frame but review the specifications and see what you think. 

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